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Marine-JS API

The web runtime is closely but not completely feature equivalent with the Rust Marine runtime. Specifically, Mounted Binaries are not supported, and the WASI filesystem API operates in an in-memory per-module sandboxed filesystem, which means that modules in a service do not share filesystem, and cannot make any network calls. MarineService is the central pillar of the web runtime and corresponds to FluenceAppService from the Rust runtime. but has a simplified interface. In the future MarineService will have a one-to-one correspondence with the Rust side.

Loading Wasm

Before registering the service corresponding Wasm files must be loaded, as well as the control module. Marine JS does not provide any API for doing this, but there is a quite simple implementations for node.js and web environments in js-client library.

Playing with MarineService

Constructing a service

private readonly controlModule: WebAssembly.Module,
private readonly serviceId: string,
private logFunction: LogFunction,
private serviceConfig: MarineServiceConfig,
private modules: { [x: string]: Uint8Array },
env?: Env,
private readonly controlModule: WebAssembly.Module,
private readonly serviceId: string,
private logFunction: LogFunction,
private serviceConfig: MarineServiceConfig,
private modules: { [x: string]: Uint8Array },
env?: Env,

Constructs a MarineService object that is ready to be started. This function corresponds to to FluenceAppService::new, and has the same meaning.

The service configuration is passed as MarineServiceConfig, while module bytes are passed separately. ModuleDescriptor.import_name should match one of the keys in the modules argument. Actually used config values import_names, logger and WASI related ones. It is impossible to pass host imports to the modules, and WASI will only give access to a per-module sandboxed in-memory filesystem.

export interface MarineServiceConfig {
* Settings for a module with particular name (not HashMap because the order is matter).
modules_config: Array<ModuleDescriptor>;
* Settings for a module that name's not been found in modules_config.
default_modules_config?: MarineModuleConfig;
export interface ModuleDescriptor {
import_name: string;
config: MarineModuleConfig;
export interface MarineModuleConfig {
* Maximum memory size accessible by a module in Wasm pages (64 Kb).
mem_pages_count?: number;
* Maximum memory size for heap of Wasm module in bytes, if it set, mem_pages_count ignored.
max_heap_size?: number;
* Defines whether FaaS should provide a special host log_utf8_string function for this module.
logger_enabled: boolean;
* Export from host functions that will be accessible on the Wasm side by provided name.
// host_imports: Map<string, HostImportDescriptor>;
* A WASI config.
wasi: MarineWASIConfig;
* Mask used to filter logs, for details see `log_utf8_string`
logging_mask: number;
export type Env = WASIEnv;
export type Args = WASIArgs;
export interface MarineWASIConfig {
* A list of environment variables available for this module.
envs: Env;
* Mapping from a usually short to full file name.
mapped_dirs: Map<String, string>;
export interface MarineServiceConfig {
* Settings for a module with particular name (not HashMap because the order is matter).
modules_config: Array<ModuleDescriptor>;
* Settings for a module that name's not been found in modules_config.
default_modules_config?: MarineModuleConfig;
export interface ModuleDescriptor {
import_name: string;
config: MarineModuleConfig;
export interface MarineModuleConfig {
* Maximum memory size accessible by a module in Wasm pages (64 Kb).
mem_pages_count?: number;
* Maximum memory size for heap of Wasm module in bytes, if it set, mem_pages_count ignored.
max_heap_size?: number;
* Defines whether FaaS should provide a special host log_utf8_string function for this module.
logger_enabled: boolean;
* Export from host functions that will be accessible on the Wasm side by provided name.
// host_imports: Map<string, HostImportDescriptor>;
* A WASI config.
wasi: MarineWASIConfig;
* Mask used to filter logs, for details see `log_utf8_string`
logging_mask: number;
export type Env = WASIEnv;
export type Args = WASIArgs;
export interface MarineWASIConfig {
* A list of environment variables available for this module.
envs: Env;
* Mapping from a usually short to full file name.
mapped_dirs: Map<String, string>;

Logs generated by a marine service are passed to the logFunction, which has the following type:

export type LogFunction = (message: LogMessage) => void;
export interface LogMessage {
service: string;
message: string;
level: LogLevel;
export type LogFunction = (message: LogMessage) => void;
export interface LogMessage {
service: string;
message: string;
level: LogLevel;

The logging is enabled by setting logger_enabled: true in MarineModuleConfig, the log level is set via environment variable WASM_LOG that works just like RUST_LOG for env_logger crate. It defaults to off (disabled logging), other useful values are error, warn, info, debug, trace.

Starting as service

init: () => Promise<void>
init: () => Promise<void>

Starts this MarineService object. This includes instantiating the control module, as well as compiling, linking and instantiating the provides service modules.

calling a service

call(functionName: string, args: JSONArray | JSONObject, callParams: CallParameters): unknown
call(functionName: string, args: JSONArray | JSONObject, callParams: CallParameters): unknown

Invokes a function of a module inside MarineService by given function name with given arguments in JSON string. The module to call is the last module listed in modules_config field of MarineServiceConfig -- the facade module. Call parameters is a fluence-related argument, a defaultCallParameters constant can be used when call parameters are not needed. This method will throw an exception in case of module execution error. The return value is the JS object returned by the facade module.