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Develop a multi-modules service

Each service in the Fluence network consists of at least one module, and there is a special configuration file that manages the service creation process. In particular, it controls the order in which the modules are instantiated, the permissions that each module will have, the maximum memory limit, and some other parameters. This section explains how to develop a simple multi-module service based on the url-downloader example.

Creating a url-downloader service

To demonstrate the capabilities of Wasm multi-modules in Marine, let us build a service that is able to download a site by its url and store it locally with a specified name. For demonstration purposes, this service will contain three modules: curl for downloading files, local_storage for saving files to the file system, and facade as a facade module that combines two previous ones. And let us give the whole service the name url-downloader.


First, create an empty directory with the url-downloader name (further, we will call it the service root directory) for our service and initialize three new modules:

# create a root directory for service and go to it
mkdir url-downloader & cd url-downloader
# create three new Rust projects for modules
cargo new curl-adapter --bin
cargo new local-storage --bin
cargo new facade --bin
# create a root directory for service and go to it
mkdir url-downloader & cd url-downloader
# create three new Rust projects for modules
cargo new curl-adapter --bin
cargo new local-storage --bin
cargo new facade --bin

Then add marine-rs-sdk = "0.14.0" to the dependencies section of each Cargo.toml file.

Curl module

The main purpose of this module is to simply provide a wrapper for the curl CLI tool. This is done by importing the curl function from the host (in the same way as described in mounted binaries section and exporting the function called get.

Open the curl-adapter/src/ file in an editor and paste the code of the curl module there:

use marine_rs_sdk::marine;
pub fn main() {}
pub fn download(url: String) -> String {
extern "C" {
fn curl(url: String) -> String;
use marine_rs_sdk::marine;
pub fn main() {}
pub fn download(url: String) -> String {
extern "C" {
fn curl(url: String) -> String;

Note that errors are not handled in these examples for simplicity.

Local-storage module

This module is intended for loading and storing files in the file system. It provides two exported functions: get, which returns the content of a file by its name in the sites directory, and put, which saves a file in the same directory and gives it the specified name.

Open the local-storage/src/ file in an editor and paste the code of the local-storage module there:

use marine_rs_sdk::marine;
use std::path::PathBuf;
const SITES_DIR: &str = "/sites/";
pub fn main() {}
pub fn put(name: String, file_content: Vec<u8>) {
let rpc_tmp_filepath = format!("{}{}", SITES_DIR, name);
let _ = std::fs::write(PathBuf::from(rpc_tmp_filepath.clone()), file_content);
pub fn get(file_name: String) -> Vec<u8> {
let tmp_filepath = format!("{}{}", SITES_DIR, file_name);
use marine_rs_sdk::marine;
use std::path::PathBuf;
const SITES_DIR: &str = "/sites/";
pub fn main() {}
pub fn put(name: String, file_content: Vec<u8>) {
let rpc_tmp_filepath = format!("{}{}", SITES_DIR, name);
let _ = std::fs::write(PathBuf::from(rpc_tmp_filepath.clone()), file_content);
pub fn get(file_name: String) -> Vec<u8> {
let tmp_filepath = format!("{}{}", SITES_DIR, file_name);

Facade module

The facade module combines the logic of the previous modules in one exported function: get_n_save. This function downloads the site with the specified name using the get function from the curl_adapter module and then saves it into a file on the file system using the put function from the local-storage module. To import functions from another module, their signatures must be declared in an extern block wrapped with the #[marine] procedure macro.

Open the facade/src/ file in an editor and paste the code of the facade module there:

use marine_rs_sdk::marine;
pub fn main() {}
fn get_n_save(url: String, file_name: String) -> String {
let downloaded = download(url);
file_put(file_name, downloaded.into_bytes());
extern "C" {
pub fn download(url: String) -> String;
extern "C" {
// this link_name attribute allows using "file_get" name
// for function imported by "get" name
#[link_name = "get"]
pub fn file_get(file_name: String) -> Vec<u8>;
#[link_name = "put"]
pub fn file_put(name: String, file_content: Vec<u8>);
use marine_rs_sdk::marine;
pub fn main() {}
fn get_n_save(url: String, file_name: String) -> String {
let downloaded = download(url);
file_put(file_name, downloaded.into_bytes());
extern "C" {
pub fn download(url: String) -> String;
extern "C" {
// this link_name attribute allows using "file_get" name
// for function imported by "get" name
#[link_name = "get"]
pub fn file_get(file_name: String) -> Vec<u8>;
#[link_name = "put"]
pub fn file_put(name: String, file_content: Vec<u8>);

Building all modules

Now the modules are ready to be built, so let us do it:

# cd to the root service directory where all services located
# compile the curl_adapter module
cd curl_adapter & marine build & cd ..
# compile the local-storage module
cd local-storage & marine build & cd ..
# compile the facade module
cd facade & marine build & cd ..
# cd to the root service directory where all services located
# compile the curl_adapter module
cd curl_adapter & marine build & cd ..
# compile the local-storage module
cd local-storage & marine build & cd ..
# compile the facade module
cd facade & marine build & cd ..

Url-downloader service config

To run a module with the Marine REPL, we should create a config file where some necessary module loading details will be described. For more details about the structure of this file please refer to this section.

The configuration of the url-downloader service should look as follows:

modules_dir = "artifacts/"
total_memory_limit = "Infinity"
name = "local_storage"
logger_enabled = true
# this is an alias to a full path for the sites dir
mapped_dirs = { "sites" = "./sites" }
name = "curl_adapter"
logger_enabled = true
curl = "/usr/bin/curl"
name = "facade"
logger_enabled = true
modules_dir = "artifacts/"
total_memory_limit = "Infinity"
name = "local_storage"
logger_enabled = true
# this is an alias to a full path for the sites dir
mapped_dirs = { "sites" = "./sites" }
name = "curl_adapter"
logger_enabled = true
curl = "/usr/bin/curl"
name = "facade"
logger_enabled = true

The important things here are:

  • local_storage is allowed to use sites directory; it'll be used for storing downloaded files
  • curl_adapter is allowed to use the curl binary in the OS
  • facade module is actually the facade module for the service because it's the last module in the list

Save this config as the Config.toml file in the service root directory.

Run url-downloader with REPL

Let's start with creating a directory called artifacts in the root of the url-downloader service and copying the three resulting .wasm file into it:

# create an artifacts folder
mkdir artifacts
# copy compiled services into it
cp target/wasm32-wasi/debug/local_storage.wasm artifacts/
cp target/wasm32-wasi/debug/curl.wasm artifacts/
cp target/wasm32-wasi/debug/facade.wasm artifacts/
# create an artifacts folder
mkdir artifacts
# copy compiled services into it
cp target/wasm32-wasi/debug/local_storage.wasm artifacts/
cp target/wasm32-wasi/debug/curl.wasm artifacts/
cp target/wasm32-wasi/debug/facade.wasm artifacts/

Alternatively, you can find the ready-to-run url-downloader service here.

Before running it, create a directory named sites, which is required by the local-storage module to store the downloaded data.

Then run the REPL with the Config.toml file and examine the url-downloader service interface:

# create sites directory
mkdir sites
# start REPL with Config.toml
mrepl Config.toml
# create sites directory
mkdir sites
# start REPL with Config.toml
mrepl Config.toml
Welcome to the Marine REPL (version 0.16.0)
Minimal supported versions
sdk: 0.6.0
interface-types: 0.20.0
app service was created with service id = 732f4136-7542-4101-851e-511cc83e6ac0
elapsed time 1.444318ms
1> interface
Application service interface:
fn put(name: String, file_content: Array<U8>) -> String
fn get(file_name: String) -> Array<U8>
fn get(cmd: String) -> String
fn get_n_save(url: String, file_name: String) -> String
Welcome to the Marine REPL (version 0.16.0)
Minimal supported versions
sdk: 0.6.0
interface-types: 0.20.0
app service was created with service id = 732f4136-7542-4101-851e-511cc83e6ac0
elapsed time 1.444318ms
1> interface
Application service interface:
fn put(name: String, file_content: Array<U8>) -> String
fn get(file_name: String) -> Array<U8>
fn get(cmd: String) -> String
fn get_n_save(url: String, file_name: String) -> String

There are three interface modules here. Note that the service interface is only represented by the facade module. However, the REPL allows all loaded modules to be called for debugging purposes.

Let us download the page:

2> call facade get_n_save ["", "google"]
INFO: Running "/usr/bin/curl" ...
% Total % Received % Xferd Average Speed Time Time Time Current
Dload Upload Total Spent Left Speed
100 219 100 219 0 0 2105 0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 2105
result: String("Ok")
elapsed time: 111.1222ms
2> call facade get_n_save ["", "google"]
INFO: Running "/usr/bin/curl" ...
% Total % Received % Xferd Average Speed Time Time Time Current
Dload Upload Total Spent Left Speed
100 219 100 219 0 0 2105 0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 2105
result: String("Ok")
elapsed time: 111.1222ms

The downloaded page can be found at sites/google. As already mentioned, each module within a service can be called directly, for example, local_storage can be treated as a separate module:

3> call local_storage put ["array", [1,2,3]]
result: String("Ok")
elapsed time: 322.108µs
4> call local_storage get "array"
result: Array([Number(1), Number(2), Number(3)])
elapsed time: 194.216µs
3> call local_storage put ["array", [1,2,3]]
result: String("Ok")
elapsed time: 322.108µs
4> call local_storage get "array"
result: Array([Number(1), Number(2), Number(3)])
elapsed time: 194.216µs